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King Trade Capital Funds $2.5MM Export Finance Program

Date: Jul 07, 2015 @ 07:18 AM
Filed Under: Distribution

King Trade Capital announced the funding of a $2.5 million export finance program

King Trade Capital (KTC) is the oldest and largest non-bank purchase order and trade finance company in the United States. KTC has for more than 22 years provided export finance solutions for small-to medium-sized companies of all kinds. 

King Trade Capital’s expertise is far reaching and covers exports, imports and domestic finance solutions.  Our export programs for distributors, light manufacturers and assembly businesses have enabled US based exporters to seize sales opportunities in foreign markets even without US Export-Import Bank and SBA guarantees that are required by traditional finance sources.

While King Trade Capital has had a long standing relationship with the US Export-Import Bank and was the first non-bank delegated authority under their Working Capital Guarantee program, the firm has chosen to provide our financing without these guarantees and the resulting restrictions. KTC has the unique ability to provide export financing without government guarantees and insurance which allows King Trade Capital to provide quick, flexible and efficient finance solutions to its customers when others can’t. 

Recently a Texas based industrial tire distributor was introduced to King Trade Capital by an international trade consultant. The company has been growing rapidly due to market changes around the world. They received a large incremental export order to be shipped to South America in a very short period of time. The company has been experiencing significant growth in its core business and had utilized its working capital fulfilling orders from its usual customers. The purchase of the new tires and export required a creatively structured inventory financing solution. The supplier wasn’t willing to grant open terms and the company needed to have the tires purchased and ready to ship within a week and a half in order to salvage the profitable sale.

King Trade Capital was able to implement a cash based inventory payment solution that worked for all parties, while closing and funding the transaction within the required time window.  With the help of KTC’s export purchase order finance solution and ability to coordinate the logistics with the funding requirements, the client can now focus its efforts on its continued growth. KTC is in place for all future export growth opportunities.        

Since 1993, KTC has provided more than $2 billion of capital to over 350 public and private companies worldwide.

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