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Reich Bros Structured Finance to Operate as Align Business Finance

June 11, 2020, 09:10 AM
Filed Under: Company Announcements

Reich Bros Structured Finance announced its subsidiary, Reich Bros Business Solutions, LLC, a provider of capital solutions to companies across a wide range of industries, will operate, effective immediately, under the name Align Business Finance. The new name more accurately addresses the company’s customer philosophy, which is to:

  • Align with its borrowers’ financial needs, and 
  • Provide capital so its clients can align their business.

“We believe the new name best describes to the market our organizational focus of finding ways to be in concert with – or align – with our borrowers” said Adam Reich, Principal of the company. “Many of our borrowers are in growth or transitional stages and we have years of experience working with these type of companies”   

Align Business Finance is part of the ALR Capital Group, comprised of finance companies focused on different sectors and markets. The company remains affiliated with Reich Brothers, a company founded by Adam and Jonathan Reich, both senior officers of the company.

Jordan Allen, Principal of the company explained, “The name change will not affect our existing borrowers, but we believe the name Align Business Finance will clearly distinguish us in the marketplace, as a lender who stresses the concept of “partnering” with our borrowers as they build their business.” 

Secured by equipment and real estate, Align Business Finance will continue to provide lower to upper middle-market businesses loans and leases ranging in transaction size from $1 million to $30 million. With offices outside of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta, Align Business Finance provides financing capital for a wide range of industries including agriculture, construction, energy, food and beverage, healthcare, industrial, manufacturing, mining, pharmaceuticals, technology, and transportation.

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