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SLR Business Credit Funds $2.5MM ABL Revolver for Midwest Meat Producer

April 12, 2021, 06:00 AM

When a group of investors with industry experience found the opportunity to purchase a Midwest producer of high-quality fresh and frozen ground meat out of bankruptcy via a 363 sale, they turned to their community bank.

The bank appreciated the experience of the management group and believed with the right asset based lending partner, they could help the investor group find the best working capital solution to help facilitate the acquisition.   

SLR Business Credit and the community bank worked in concert to provide a $2,500,000 asset based facility. The investor group appreciated the speed to close and the flexibility of an asset based facility to help them achieve their growth objectives.

SLR Business Credit provides asset based loans and factoring facilities from $100,000 to $50 million to businesses in the United States and Canada. SLRBC has three full-service offices in New Jersey, Minnesota, and Utah as well as sales offices from coast-to-coast. SLR Business Credit is a portfolio company of SLR Senior Investment Corp.

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