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Hilco Global Announces New Retail Board of Advisors

December 12, 2013, 07:37 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

Hilco Global announced the appointment of five new members to its Retail Board of Advisors. These leaders bring significant experience from across all sectors of the retail industry as retail executives, investment bankers, financial advisors, digital e-commerce experts and retail talent management experts. The retail advisory board will work closely with the executive management team at Hilco Global and its Retail Business Units to provide insight and identify industry trends in an effort to support retailers, e-tailers, and the capital markets during this challenging period of great change and transformation for the retail industry.

Hilco Global delivers valuation, monetization, strategic and operational performance improvement services to retailers, their lenders, professional advisors, and owners to help optimize the value of their assets and increase shareholder value.

New Members Named to the Hilco Global Retail Board of Advisors:

  • Al Ferrara - Partner and National Director of the Retail Practice at BDO USA
  • Allen Questrom - Senior Advisor of Lee Equity Partners, Director of Sotheby's Holdings, Inc., Director of Men’s Warehouse, Former Chairman and CEO of Federated Department Stores (Macy’s), Neiman Marcus, JC Penney and Barney’s
  • Hal Reiter - Chairman & CEO of Herbert Mines Associates
  • Elaine Rubin - President of Digital Prophets Network LLC, former executive at Amazon, and 1-800-Flowers
  • Joel N. Waller - Retail Executive of Joshwa Investments, former CEO of Wet Seal, Wilsons Leather and Christopher & Banks

Click here to view the full biographies of the advisors.

The outside Board of Advisors will join key executive management leaders and retail specialists at Hilco Global which include Michael Keefe and Cory Lipoff - Hilco Merchant Resources; Antony Karabus and Farla Efros – Hilco Retail Consulting; Tom Greco and Tim Anderson – Hilco Valuation Services; Greg Apter and Neil Aaronson – Hilco Real Estate; and Ed Siskin – Hilco Global and David Peress – Hilco Streambank.

Jeffrey Hecktman, Chairman and CEO of Hilco Global said “our Hilco Global retail practice has grown significantly over the last several years and we have gained a reputation for providing the best practical solutions to add shareholder value and increase profitability”. Hecktman continued, “We have assembled a group of the best talent in the retail industry in order to deliver a full complement of solutions that will create meaningful value to optimize financial performance for our clients.”

Through several specialized business units which serve retail clients, Hilco Global provides a range of integrated solutions including asset valuation, inventory acquisition and disposition, real estate repositioning and renegotiation, strategic advisory and operational consulting and strategic capital equity investments.

Hecktman, added, “As Hilco Global continues to grow, we believe that the Retail Board of Advisors will help in continuing to guide our organization to higher levels of leadership and influence. The board members bring the industry knowledge and experience that will assist Hilco Global to take our retail practice to the next level.

Located in Chicago, Hilco Global is the world’s preeminent authority on helping businesses to maximize the value of their assets.

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