Monroe Capital acted as sole lead arranger and administrative agent on the funding of a senior credit facility to support NationsBenefits’ acquisition of General Vision Services, an existing portfolio company of General Atlantic, The Pritzker Organization, and Denali Growth Partners.
Based in New York, NY, General Vision Services is a premier managed vision care and revenue cycle management company. General Vision Services provides eyecare benefits and administration to millions of members across a clientele that includes employer groups, managed care, and organized labor.
NationsBenefits existing suite of supplemental benefits includes a comprehensive, vertically integrated flex card platform, over-the-counter and healthy grocery benefit, managed hearing benefit, medically tailored post-discharge and chronic meals benefit, non-emergency medical transportation solution, and personal emergency response service solution. This strategic acquisition of General Vision Services expands NationsBenefits’ scope and position as the leading and only single platform for Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits.