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King Trade Capital Provides $1.5MM to Manufacturer Of Skin Care Products

March 24, 2016, 07:44 AM
Filed Under: Consumer Products

King Trade Capital announced the closing of a $1.5 million production finance facility for a manufacturer of skin care products. The company is owned by a private equity investor with investments in the consumer products space.
Over the past several years, the company has established several excellent new customers bringing them new sales growth. After a couple years of history with these customers the company proved their dependability and ability to manufacture high quality products. Because of this success, several of the key customers have now shifted the bulk of their manufacturing needs to the company creating a large ongoing order backlog.

The company has an existing asset-based loan facility providing ample liquidity to support the baseline sales and operations but due to the hockey stick growth associated with the additional incremental orders from key customers, the company needed a complementary growth finance solution.

A finance facility was crafted that helped accelerate the supply chain of raw materials by making cash payments to vendors for 100% of the cost of raw materials. The added liquidity from King Trade Capital’s production finance facility allowed the company to significantly increase throughput and fill underutilized capacity as well as shorten the order backlog. According to the company, King Trade Capital’s solution will help them achieve their plan to double sales in 2016.

King Trade Capital is the country's oldest and largest independent provider of purchase order and contract finance for small to middle-market companies in the U.S., UK and Canada. Since 1993 KTC has provided more than $2 billion of capital in over 350 public and private companies worldwide.

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