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BHI Announces Designated S&P Rating

September 02, 2021, 06:06 AM
Filed Under: Banking News
Related: Banking News, BHI

BHI, a full-service commercial bank, announced that it has received its own assigned S&P credit rating. BHI USA has been rated A/A-1 with a stable outlook, similar to the credit rating for Bank Hapoalim in Israel, one of the world’s largest financial institutions with $170 billion in assets.

BHI is continuing to experience exceptional growth in the US. In addition to its headquarters in New York, the bank has representative offices in New Jersey, Florida and California.   It serves hundreds of companies as a trusted banking partner across industry sectors, including real estate, commercial & industrial, both domestic and Israel-based, food & beverage, healthcare, technology, energy, specialty and sponsor finance, and others.  

“Having our own designated S&P rating means that we can extend our deal pipeline, broaden the types of transactions that we execute, and provide even better service for our clients as we grow into the future,” said Gil Karni, CEO of BHI.

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